
Mar 15, 2012

Is it possible to drink too much tea?

Since I've started blogging more I've found that my computer time has increased. And, whenever I'm at the computer more I find that I drink more and more as well. Lately I've been gulping down Trader Joe's decaf Earl Grey. Since I tend to drink so much coffee and tea I try to go the decaf route when I can. TJ's decaf Earl Grey is okay, though like most decaf tea I've tried it tends to taste somewhat.. diluted. But, I don't mind it too much when it's flavored with something strong like Bergamont and when I'm more focused on writing than I am sipping.

Lately I've been going through over 5 cups a day of the stuff. And even though it's decaf, I've been wondering if it's healthy to drink that much.

From what I have found, the main danger in drinking lots of tea comes from the caffeine within it.  Since I've been doing decaf, I think I feel pretty good about it. There is another concern, however it's mostly cosmetic. Tea can stain teeth, so I'll probably keep using my whitening toothpaste and maybe try out those crest whitestrips every once in a while.


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